Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ahhh Yeaa.. OH SHIT, SHIT

The New Generation.

Vet told me to put a long sleeve shirt on my dog to prevent him from licking his wound. I give you Farmer Chewbacca!

That’s not what I said

Deciding to live alone.

Whenever I see a hot girl in yoga pants walking around on campus

Incredibly Photogenic Dutch Cop

What to do when your girlfriend is on Skype…

Facebook Posts

My favorite reversed gif

Every time my son throws a snowball at me

Forever Alone, Level : IMPOSSIBRU!!!

Never become an egg

Fiancé tried her hand at the Sauron Cake on commission for a friend. Nailed it?

Got this back at the Wendy’s Drive-Thru. Seems Legit.

Oh Tamara..

Me too, kid. Me too.

Video: Awkward answer on children’s game show suddenly gets more awkward


Intricate Hand-Cut Paper

“This is no cave..

Another trilogy that makes NO sense whatsoever

My girlfriend’s new kitten may not be entirely trustworthy

My favorite picture on the internet

How I feel trying to learn an instrument

Friday, June 29, 2012

Whenever someone calls me ugly

Knock knock..

The man has a point…

He finally got it

Found this lovely set of rules on facebook

i love the smell of negativity in the morning

Video: “Speed Dating”, this video really hits close to home


Facebook condensed into one image

Nice parking job

That it is

It all makes sense now

Put Siri on my iPhone 4, downloaded joke attachment, and got this…

The cheesy humor gets me all the time.

Nerd Quirk

My favorite face swap!

I had no idea they got this big

He doesn’t like crabs …

Video: Dachshund Puppy vs. Ghost Crab


Spanky thinks you’re cool

weird illusion

Today I learned Alec Baldwin has a daughter

There’s just so many great things about this picture…

When someone insults me on the internet

This guy comes to my school every few weeks. I just happened to bring this shirt with me today.