Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jerry Seinfeld gives a brutally honest acceptance speech and explains why all awards are stupid


Reporter attacked by a guy in a huge bowling pin costume after bowling a strike


Inside Russia’s Most Powerful Nuclear Power Plant

Balakovo Russian Nuclear Power Plant is the most powerful and largest Russian nuclear plant. Over 30 Billion kW/h of electricity being produced here each year which is 1/5 of total Russian electric power output! However in the world it's only … Read more...

This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs

Man gets creative with pushing his car.


So some kids at my school made a video for their homecoming dates…


In the butt: Arguably the greatest home video of all time


This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs

This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs

This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs

This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs

This Man’s Wife Hasn’t Aged a Day in Two Decades

The couple took a photo together at junior prom twenty years ago but when they took a similar photo recently it was surprising to see how little the wife had aged in these years.

Syrian Refugees Before And After Migrating To Europe

These Syrian refugees came to Europe in hopes of finding a new a life. It looks like they got what they came for.

THIS is teamwork!


Inside Russian Most Powerful Nuclear Power Plant

Balakovo Russian Nuclear Power Plant is the most powerful and large Russian nuclear plant. Over 30 Billion kW/h of electricity being produced here each year which is 1/5 of total Russian electric power output! However in the world it's only … Read more...

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Russian SU-25SM Attack Bombers in Syria

1960198_900If you track the Middle East news recently, there is a lot of talks about Russian SU-25SM attack bombers spotted in Syria - both on satellite photos of foreign intelligence and also on the recent French video posted today when … Read more...

Mining Gold in Russian Kolyma

Remember a recent posting where Sergey went to Kolyma and enjoyed beautiful views there? (If not you can see it here). So here is another report by this brilliant Russian blogger. While staying there - at Kolyma - which is … Read more...

Day on the Russian Strategic Airbase DOMNA

Thanks to awesome Russian blogger calling himself su_30m, we are able to see what is supposed to be top secret, especially back in Soviet era - day on the strategic Russian Far Eastern airbase Domna. It covers a 2000 km … Read more...

Albanian virus

Package thief gets a taste of his own medicine


This 12yo girl in my neighborhood has a crush on my boyfriend and knocks on our door almost every day to ask him to play. We found this under our doormat after she walked by us tossing a football outs