Friday, October 31, 2008

Top 10 Popular Poisons in the World

It used to be that poisoning was the murder method of choice for those cunning villains who wanted to “get away with it.”

However, following advances in forensic science, poisoning no longer allows murderers any anonymity.

Nowadays, the use of poison is so easily detectable it is comparable to the murderer writing a confession. “And, to think, I could have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for those pesky CSI investigators.”

1. CyanideCyanide kills by preventing red blood cells from absorbing oxygen.

2. StrychnineOne of the more popular forms of poisoning at the start of the twentieth century, strychnine attacks the central nervous system and causes exaggerated reflex reactions.

3. ArsenicHistorically arsenic was the murderer’s favourite choice and it has always been one of the favourite devices used in murder mystery stories.

4. Snake VenomThe toxicity of snakebites is dependent on a lot of factors, varying from the length of time elapsed since the snake last bit, through to the level of danger the snake perceives in its victim.

5. HemlockHemlock was supposedly the poison that was used to dispatch Socrates.

6. HeroinA poison that works on the respiratory system, Heroin depresses the central nervous system creating a feeling of euphoria.

7. Pufferfish VenomThe poisonous part of the pufferfish is the tetraodontoxin found in its ovaries.

8. Fiddleback Spider VenomAt less than half an inch in length, the Fiddleback or Brown Recluse is one of the most venomous spiders in the world.

9. Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)With a name that means beautiful woman, an extract from the belladonna plant was used in Renaissance times as a beauty product. Applied to the eyes it dilated the pupils and gave women a wide-eyed appearance.

10. Castor BeanWhen you consider that castor oil is used as a food additive in candy and chocolate, it’s disconcerting to discover that the fruit of that plant, the castor bean contains a supertoxic level of the poison ricin.

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